MANAGGIARE: Journal of Edu-Management is a peer-reviewed open-access journal. The journal invites scientists and educators worldwide to exchange and disseminate theoretical and practice-oriented information on the whole spectrum of education management. 


This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0,00 (IDR)
Authors are not required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Article Publication: 0,00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, the authors will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publication costs for max. 10 pages.

Page Addition: IDR 100.000 / page


Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of someone else as your own without proper acknowledgment of the source. When you work on a research paper, you will probably find supporting material for your paper from works by others. It's okay to quote people and use their ideas, but you do need to correctly credit them. Even when you summarize or paraphrase information found in books, articles, or Web pages, you must acknowledge the original author (Sources:

To uphold academic honesty and as a way to inform readers that a certain part of our writing is free from acts of plagiarism, then publishing articles through the examination of anti-plagiarism. MANAGGIARE: Journal of Edu-Management using Turnitin to check academic papers literally on the fly. The engine performs real-time checks against a real-time web index ensuring you receive the most accurate similarity results. If it finds the existence of elements of plagiarism in the script, then the article will be rejected and the author and the institution are subject to punishment and cannot publish the manuscript in MANAGGIARE: Journal of Edu-Management for 2 years.